Gathering Our Voice

2009 Wenatchee Voice

Apple Capital Loop Trail


We are beginning to gather the story of the Apple Capital Loop Trail – a feature of the Wenatchee Valley that strengthens our community, economy and environment. Listen to interview segments from early group interviews (May 19 and July 7, 2009) here.

If you would like to get involved in organizing and conducting interviews, transcribing interviews, and gathering photos please contact Nancy Warner or Cheryl Dawes at the IRIS office 509-888-7374.

Kirby Billingsley convinces Washington State Parks Department to purchase the DOT right-of-way for the purpose of a state park.

Wilfred Woods remembers the big vision of Kirby Billinglsey. (May 19, 2009)
Wilfred Woods – Kirby’s Dream (MP3)
Wilfred Woods (Darren Reynolds photo)

No easy access to the Columbia River in Wenatchee

Photo 97-48-61courtesy of Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center

Eliot Scull describes the river. (May 19, 2009)
Eliot Scull – The Riverfront (MP3)
Cliff Bates talks about the lack of boats on the river. (May 19, 2009)
Cliff Bates – Boat Access (MP3)
Eliot Scull (Darren Reynolds photo)

Columbia River Environmental Study Team (CREST) and Stewards of the River study layout concept for riverfront park

Darren Reynolds photo

Bob Parlette describes his first exposure to plans for improving access to the river. (May 19, 2009)
Bob Parlette – First Involvement (MP3)
Bill Millett talks how the confluence was rated for recreation. (July 7, 2009)
Bill Millett – Confluence (MP3)
Bob Parlette (Darren Reynolds photo)

Walkway included in final construction of the Odabashion Bridge

Bob Parlette talks about lobbying for the addition of a trail to the Oldabashion Bridge. (May 19, 2009)
Bob Parlette – Odabashian Link (MP3)

Planning for Recreation projects associated with Rock Island and Rocky Reach Dams,
aka “Exhibit R”

Wilfred Woods describes the early efforts to conserve the waterfront for parks and recreation. (May 19, 2009)
Wilfred Woods – Early Efforts (MP3)
Bob Parlette talks about how PUD Commissioner Kirby Billingsley built coalitions for parks and trails. (May 19, 2009)
Bob Parlette – Kirby’s Magic (MP3)
Dan Feil discusses recreation on the river. (July 7, 2009)
Dan Feil – River Use (MP3)

Early 1980s
Clyde Ballard sees that funding for riverfront trail is included in highway plan budget

Bill Millett talks about getting involved.
Bill Millette – Shorelines Mgmt Act (MP3)
Cliff Bates and Bill Millett (Darren Reynolds photo)

Save the Riverfront Committee forms

Darren Reynolds photo

Cliff Bates describes getting involved in Save the Riverfront Committee. (May 19, 2009)
Cliff Bates – Getting Involved (MP3)
Mary Bates talks about sharing the burden. (May 19, 2009)
Mary Bates – Support Team (MP3)
Eliot Scull on the courage it took to stand up for the trail. (May 19, 2009)
Eliot Scull – Save the River (MP3)
Cliff Bates tells about the teamwork that made the committee successful. (May 19, 2009)
Cliff Bates – River Team (MP3)
Bill Millett talks about being organized. (July 7, 2009)
Bill Millett – Organizing (MP3)
Jack Feil talks about what helped the committee keep going. (July 7, 2009)
Jack Feil – Vision (MP3)
Dan Feil remembers the vision. (July 7, 2009)
Dan Feil – Vision (MP3)
Mary Bates (Darren Reynolds photo)

First segment of Riverfront Park completed; Downtown rotary Club builds circular ramp up to the old Reclamation Bridge; funding secured to build
4-lane riverfront highway

Chelan Douglas Land Trust receives non-profit status

Eliot Scull describes how the Chelan Douglas Land Trust idea was born. (May 19, 2009)
Eliot Scull – Land Trust (MP3)

Court decision that riverfront highway could not be built because it would violate the Shorelines Management Act

DOT drops appeal blocking highway construction

Complete the Loop Coalition formed

Dedication of the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail

Photo courtesy of Chelan County PUD

Cliff Bates and Bob Parlette talk about how Kirby Billingsley inspired the community. (May 19, 2009)
Cliff and Bob – Kirby’s Boat (MP3)