Gathering Our Voice

2009 Entiat Voice

Columbia Breaks

Columbia Breaks Photo Montage

In the eastern foothills of the Cascade Mountains there are cliffs and ridges known as “breaks” because they alter the direction or course of the Columbia River and divide the forest from the Shrub-steppe.

We are beginning to gather the story of the Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center – a feature of North Central Washington that strengthens our community, economy and environment. Listen to interview segments here.


  • Yellowstone Fire
  • Dinkleman Fire

photo courtesy of CBFIC

Chuck Wolf talks about preserving history of fire management. (June 27, 2009)
Chuck Wolf – Nancy’s Idea (MP3)

Nancy Belt remembers the summer of ’88. (June 27, 2009)
Nancy Belt – Summer 88 (MP3)

Columbia Breaks Group Interview June 27, 2009 (Nancy Warner photo)
Nancy Belt (Nancy Warner photo)


Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center Feasibility Study launched

Chuck Wolf discusses the Columbia Breaks. (June 27, 2009)
Chuck Wolf – ColumbiaBreaks (MP3)

Chuck Wolf (Malcom Keithly photo)

Feasibility study completed

Entiat Development Corporation purchases land north of Entiat and transfers it to Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center Foundation

Dave Spies talks about becoming involved. (June 27, 2009)
Dave Spies – First Involvement (MP3)

Dave Spies (Malcolm Keithly photo)

First major work day at site, Representative Dale Foreman present

Dedication (photo courtesy CBFIC)

Ampitheater Workers (photo courtesy of CBFIC) Arnie Arneson (photo courtesy of CBFIC)


  • Tyee fire underscores need for interpretation of fire resource
  • “Buy a Piece of the Land” campaign begins to raise funds for site purchase

View from Badger Lookout (photo courtesy of CBFIC)

photo courtesy of CBFIC

photo courtesy of CBFIC


Interpretive Program Plan completed

4-Panel Kiosk (photo courtesy of CBFIC)

photo courtesy of CBFIC Seating on Trail

Chelan butte Lookout erected on site

photo courtesy CBFIC

photo courtesy of CBFIC photo courtesy of CBFIC
photo courtesy of CBFIC Chelan Butte


  • First-stage development of the interpretive trail begins
  • Meeting with Representative Linda Evans-Parlette and Barry Sehlin, Chair, Capital Budgets about the project

photo courtesy of CBFIC

Land use/weed control agreement with BLM completed

Badger Lookout moved to site

Badger Lookout (photo courtesy of CBFIC)

photo courtesy CBFIC


  • Middle school program launches involving Entiat and East Wenatchee
  • Administrative building completed

photo courtesy of CBFIC

Steve Goetz and others talk about interagency cooperation. (June 27, 2009)
Small World, Fire World (MP3)