Gathering Our Voice

Connecting Communities

Welcome to the Listening Post for the greater Waterville community

Connecting Communities

Hear Douglas rancher Gary Daling talk about the importance of horses in connecting communities.
[audio:]Gary Daling (MP3)

Hear Waterville farmer Paul Hinderer ad Ardis Shriner talk about the Orondo ferries that operated until 1970.
[audio:]Paul Hinderer and Ardis Shriner (MP3)

Hear Paul Hinderer and Barbara Firoved talk about rail connections among the towns.
[audio:]Paul Hinderer and Barbara Firoved (MP3)

Hear Paul Hinderer talk about Pine Canyon Road
[audio:]Paul Hinderer (MP3)

Hear Thelma Sonney describe Orondo community boundaries.
[audio:]Thelma Sonney (MP3)

Hear Paul Hinderer talk about catching rides to Wenatchee with the mail carrier.
[audio:]Paul Hinderer (MP3)

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