Welcome to the Apple Capital Loop Trail
Wenatchee Boat Launch, east of Pybus Public Market
Summer is a great time to enjoy the waterfront!
Chelan County PUD biologist Keith Truscott says the docks can be good places to see small fish.
Hear Keith talk about bridgelip suckers.
[audio:http://gatheringourvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Keith-Truscott-Bridge-lipped-Suckers.mp3]Keith Truscott (MP3)
Bridgelip suckers are native to the Columbia River.
Small fish provide food for osprey that nest on platforms near Pybus Public Market.
Watch for osprey bringing fish to the nest.
Video of nest building and osprey call.
Shacktown was part of the riverfront south of Orondo Street until the 1940s.
Bill McGaughey delivered The Wenatchee World to Shacktown residents when he was a kid.
Hear some of Bill’s memories of Shacktown.
[audio:http://gatheringourvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Bills-Shacktown-Experience.mp3]Bill McGaughey (MP3)
Trail Story
Joan VanDivort worked with Ruth Allan and many others to restore and enhance the riverfront.
Hear Ruth Allan talk about how she got involved in protecting the riverfront.
[audio:http://gatheringourvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Ruth-Allan-Protecting-Riverfront.mp3]Ruth Allan (MP3)
See the Apple Capital Loop Trail timeline.
Community Connection
Learn about Pybus Public Market
Learn about Pybus Kids Century
Marcus Lolos was the first kid to finish 100 miles on the Loop Trail!
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