Gathering Our Voice

Wenatchee Valley College

Welcome to the Listening Post at Wenatchee Valley College

This Listening Post site highlights the history of Wenatchee Valley College in North Central Washington
— a story that is 75 years old in 2014!


It’s a story that started in 1939 with Wenatchee citizens who wanted to create more opportunities for affordable education close to home. It’s a story that has grown as people from across the region have accessed the college to reach for dreams, explore interests, and develop skills in programs ranging from the arts and sciences to business and public service.

We invite you to explore the stories associated with the past seven decades – or first 75 years – of Wenatchee Valley College. We also invite you to “sign” the guest register and share your stories and photos at the links to Welcome and Share Your Stories on the Wenatchee Valley College page at the Listening Post Network website.
Seven Decades at Wenatchee Valley College:
Founding Years, 1940s
Building a Campus, 1950s
Coming of Age, 1960s
Growing Programs, 1970s
Expanding Choices, 1980s
Embracing Technology, 1990s
Entering a New Century, 2000
Pausing to Celebrate 75 Years!

See the *WVC Historical Timeline* and Campus Maps.