Welcome to the Apple Capital Loop Trail
Milepost 9 on the Apple Capital Loop Trail
Trail Story
T-shirt and button from Save the Riverfront Committee
Cliff Bates (far right) sharing story of the trail at an event in 2009.
Hear Cliff talk about the Save the Riverfront Committee.
[audio:http://gatheringourvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CliffBates-Save-Riverfront-Committee.mp3]Cliff Bates (MP3)
Hear Bill Millett (on the right) describe how the Chelan Douglas
Land Trust grew from the Save the Riverfront Committee.
Bill Millett (MP3)
See the Apple Capital Loop Trail timeline.
Hear Peter Ringsrud describe the ferry that connected the communities.
[audio:http://gatheringourvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Peter-Ringsrud-Ferry.mp3]Peter Ringsrud (MP3)
Mooring for old ferry near 15th Street
Rudi Pauly and her family have been in the orchard business since the 1950s.
Hear Rudi describe early orcharding practices in the Wenatchee Valley.
[audio:http://gatheringourvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Rudi-Pauly-Early-Orcharding-Practices.mp3]Rudi Pauly (MP3)
You know you’re in the Wenatchee Valley when you see Saddlerock.
Hear geologist Ralph Dawes describe the origins of Saddlerock.
[audio:http://gatheringourvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Dawes-Saddlerock.mp3]Ralph Dawes (MP3)
Community Connections
Learn about the Chelan Douglas Land Trust.
Learn about the Wenatchee Valey Chamber of Commerce.
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